Rich Bodenschatz sent the following message to the Director's List Serve upon hearing the news of the passing of two of our founding members.
With his permission, I am re-releasing his words to the rest of our membership so that we all can benefit from learning about those who made what we have today possible.
Tom Nesbitt
SUNYCAP President
SUNY Potsdam
For those of us who have served in SUNY for more years than we'd like to count, today is indeed a sad day. Two of our founding members have passed on and with them an important link to the growth and maturation of both SUNY and SUNYCAP.
Dave Truax, admissions counselor, then director at Plattsburgh, then the first Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment at SUNY System, was a true SUNY pioneer. A graduate of Cortland, he was SUNY to the core.
While his focus at Plattsburgh was Plattsburgh, he also understood the bigger picture of SUNY and what SUNY could and should be. As president of SUNYCAP and later on at SUNY System, he worked tirelessly for the expansion of the SUNY message to all publics in and out of state. A true gentleman, he was a keen observer of talent, as evidenced by the success of Rich Higgins and Mike Walsh at Plattsburgh, and a mentor to dozens of other young admission professionals who now hold positions of significant responsibility.
Larry Appel. All you need to is say his name and people's faces light up and a "Larry" story comes to mind. For over 30 years Larry was Sullivan County Community College. His favorite recruitment statement to the thousands of guidance counselors he met with over his career was, "I'll gladly take the top 100% of your graduating class!" And he meant it with all his heart. Larry also was the poster child for the community college movement. He believed deeply in the mission and the opportunity that our community colleges offered to all New Yorkers. In the early days, his voice was sometimes the only, unapologetic voice, that spoke for the community colleges. Those of you who serve your regions as members of community colleges owe a huge debt to Larry for his tireless efforts. And that was just one side of Larry. SUNY was also Larry's life and his involvement in a variety of SUNYCAP ventures testifies to this. For decades, it seemed, Larry's presentation at New Professional Orientation, helped to lead many of us to successfully navigate that first, confusing, year in admissions.
For those of us who had the privilege to know, to work with, break bread with and laugh with Dave and Larry, this is a bittersweet time for sure. Yet remember there can be no doubt amongst us that we are better professionals and better people for having shared the experience.
God bless.
Rich Bodenschatz
SUNY New Paltz
Friday, November 2, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Greetings. Please plan on attending the 2008 Legislative Forum in Albany. The 2008 legislative session will likely be an exciting time, with many new initiatives being proposed and debated. The upcoming session will be shaped by such factors as the recommendations from the Governor's Commission on the Future of Higher Education (which will include k12 proposals), the looming budget gap, round 2 of "Contracts for Excellence", the Presidential primary, all 212 Members of the Legislature up for election (with the Senate holding on to a slim 2 seat majority).
Our steering committee of the Legislative Consortium has moved forward with '08 planning that includes a refocusing on school counselor advocacy, access to higher education and advocacy training. Participants in the Legislative Forum recognize and appreciate the training that is conducted at the annual conferences. After 10 years of successes, all ten member associations have many trained advocates to further the noble cause of high quality K 12 and higher education in New York State.
I look forward to communicating further with you during the weeks ahead.
See you in Albany in February if not before!
Greetings. Please plan on attending the 2008 Legislative Forum in Albany. The 2008 legislative session will likely be an exciting time, with many new initiatives being proposed and debated. The upcoming session will be shaped by such factors as the recommendations from the Governor's Commission on the Future of Higher Education (which will include k12 proposals), the looming budget gap, round 2 of "Contracts for Excellence", the Presidential primary, all 212 Members of the Legislature up for election (with the Senate holding on to a slim 2 seat majority).
Our steering committee of the Legislative Consortium has moved forward with '08 planning that includes a refocusing on school counselor advocacy, access to higher education and advocacy training. Participants in the Legislative Forum recognize and appreciate the training that is conducted at the annual conferences. After 10 years of successes, all ten member associations have many trained advocates to further the noble cause of high quality K 12 and higher education in New York State.
I look forward to communicating further with you during the weeks ahead.
See you in Albany in February if not before!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
SUNYCAC Conference Information
Dear SUNY Colleagues
Join those from your campus Bursar, EOP, Institutional Research, Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Disability Services offices for “Survivor SUNY”.
Just a mere 58 days left until we all gather at The Queensbury Hotel in Glens Falls New York for the 2007 SUNYCAC Conference “Survivor SUNY” November 14-16, 2007. The conference committee has been hard at work and has put together an informative program. Presenters from across the State will share their expertise on a variety of topics such as Information Security, Pandemic Planning, Enrollment Management, Helicopter Parents and much much more.
REGISTER NOW!!!!!! The most up to date conference agenda, registration, and hotel forms are available on the SUNYCAC website at
Join those from your campus Bursar, EOP, Institutional Research, Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Disability Services offices for “Survivor SUNY”.
Just a mere 58 days left until we all gather at The Queensbury Hotel in Glens Falls New York for the 2007 SUNYCAC Conference “Survivor SUNY” November 14-16, 2007. The conference committee has been hard at work and has put together an informative program. Presenters from across the State will share their expertise on a variety of topics such as Information Security, Pandemic Planning, Enrollment Management, Helicopter Parents and much much more.
REGISTER NOW!!!!!! The most up to date conference agenda, registration, and hotel forms are available on the SUNYCAC website at
Friday, September 14, 2007
Some Friday Humor - submitted by Chris Lewis (Binghamton)
Top Ten Reasons for Being in Admissions:
10. Big Bucks!
9. Enjoy being told by a prospective student that you have a specific major, because they know someone, who knows someone, that went to your school and was in that major you later find out they are thinking about another school.
8. Enjoy listening to parents tell stories about their kid's academic prowess, great athleticism, 300 extra curricular activities, etc, only to find out s/he has a 1.6 GPA.
7. Enjoy being in a caravan of 50 cars that have to do an illegal U-turn in the middle of a major intersection because the leader “knows” where they are going.
6. Big corporate bribes for relaxed Admissions standards!
5. Enjoy driving 1 hour for a 30- minute college day program only to see 3 students.
4. Enjoy explaining in-depth about your colleges programs only to have, at the end, the student say that s/he's at the wrong school's table.
3. Great dinners at college fairs that consist of fruit and cookies.
2. When working for a large school, being asked if you know their friend.
1. It's better than being in Financial Aid!
10. Big Bucks!
9. Enjoy being told by a prospective student that you have a specific major, because they know someone, who knows someone, that went to your school and was in that major you later find out they are thinking about another school.
8. Enjoy listening to parents tell stories about their kid's academic prowess, great athleticism, 300 extra curricular activities, etc, only to find out s/he has a 1.6 GPA.
7. Enjoy being in a caravan of 50 cars that have to do an illegal U-turn in the middle of a major intersection because the leader “knows” where they are going.
6. Big corporate bribes for relaxed Admissions standards!
5. Enjoy driving 1 hour for a 30- minute college day program only to see 3 students.
4. Enjoy explaining in-depth about your colleges programs only to have, at the end, the student say that s/he's at the wrong school's table.
3. Great dinners at college fairs that consist of fruit and cookies.
2. When working for a large school, being asked if you know their friend.
1. It's better than being in Financial Aid!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Don't forget to pay back!
For those of you who were awarded a grant or scholarship, please remember the agreement to "pay back".
Here are some suggestions:
1. Present a workshop at SUNYCAP Conference
2. Moderate a workshop at conference
3. Assist at local SUNY College Nights
4. Write an article for Endeavors
5. Run for a position on the Excutive Board
6. Chair a Committee
If you complete or have completed your "pay back" please let us know!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Don't forget~ New Professionals Orientation
I'm sending off one more reminder about the New Professionals Orientation to be held in Albany at System Administration on Thursday, September 6th and Friday, September 7th. This program is an outstanding way to familiarize your new staff at any level with SUNY, SUNYCAP and the field of Admissions. Thursday will begin with a dinner hosted by Kitty McCarthy and other administrators at System Administration and will continue with a get to know you social at Jillian's. On Wednesday, we will have tours of the Application Services Center and Recruitment Response Center. We will have presentations by System Administration and SUNYCAP as well as hold an SLI workshop on Ethics in our profession. We will also give participants a chance to meet people they will see on the road and create mentoring opportunities throughout the event.
By now, you should have received at least two e-mails regarding the program. The Crowne Plaza is giving us the state rate until August 24th and most of the first evening and second day will be spent just a block down the hill at System Administration. Any questions about the event can be answered by Heather Scott at We look forward to seeing many new faces and assisting in the training of the next generation of SUNY Admissions Professionals.
By now, you should have received at least two e-mails regarding the program. The Crowne Plaza is giving us the state rate until August 24th and most of the first evening and second day will be spent just a block down the hill at System Administration. Any questions about the event can be answered by Heather Scott at We look forward to seeing many new faces and assisting in the training of the next generation of SUNY Admissions Professionals.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Please Save the Date!
SUNYCAP’s annual New Professionals Orientation will take place in Albany, New York
On Thursday & Friday, September 6th & 7th at the SUNY Central Administration complex.
- Meet mentors & travel buddies
- Learn about the State University of New York system
- Tour the Application Servicing Center
All new employees are invited to attend!
Registration materials and hotel information coming soon, please contact Katie Lansford in the meantime with any questions:
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
CAMP COLLEGE 2007 is almost here and we're searching for a few more volunteers.
We have two amazing camps planned at Union College (July 13-15) and SUNY Potsdam (July 20 - 22). We have a GREAT "problem" this year in that over 100 campers have already signed up to participate. With that said, we need a few more mentors at each site.
To sign up to be a Camp College mentor, go to:
Please pass this message on to any colleague who might be interested in participating in a fun and rewarding weekend! Please contact Karen Staller ( or Chris Milton ( with any questions.
We have two amazing camps planned at Union College (July 13-15) and SUNY Potsdam (July 20 - 22). We have a GREAT "problem" this year in that over 100 campers have already signed up to participate. With that said, we need a few more mentors at each site.
To sign up to be a Camp College mentor, go to:
Please pass this message on to any colleague who might be interested in participating in a fun and rewarding weekend! Please contact Karen Staller ( or Chris Milton ( with any questions.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It's SUMMERTIME and Camp College needs your help!
Since the summer of 2000, Camp College has improved the lives of young college bound students from underrepresented populations throughout New York State. Camp College’s aim is to prepare our students for a higher education; many of our students will be the first in their family to attend college. We will be conducting the weekend programs this year on:
July 13-15th, 2007 Union College and
July 20-22nd, 2007 SUNY Potsdam
We are looking for donations of T-shirts, books, and other college related paraphernalia. All donations are shared with Camp College participants directly and are great advertisements for every college and/or program. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.
Please mail donations to the Camp College site coordinators at the addresses below:
Teran Tadal, Assistant Dean of Admissions
Union College
Camp College Donations
Admissions Center, 807 Union Avenue
Schenectady, NY 12308
Jennifer L. Frost, Admissions Counselor
SUNY Potsdam
Camp College Donations
Office of Admissions
44 Pierrepont Avenue
Potsdam, NY 13676
We thank you for your donations.
July 13-15th, 2007 Union College and
July 20-22nd, 2007 SUNY Potsdam
We are looking for donations of T-shirts, books, and other college related paraphernalia. All donations are shared with Camp College participants directly and are great advertisements for every college and/or program. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.
Please mail donations to the Camp College site coordinators at the addresses below:
Teran Tadal, Assistant Dean of Admissions
Union College
Camp College Donations
Admissions Center, 807 Union Avenue
Schenectady, NY 12308
Jennifer L. Frost, Admissions Counselor
SUNY Potsdam
Camp College Donations
Office of Admissions
44 Pierrepont Avenue
Potsdam, NY 13676
We thank you for your donations.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Dance Party~Bringing Sexy Back
Well, here are some fabulous dance pictures of those brave enough for the dance floor. Turn up your speaker to relive some of your moves!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
CONGRATULATIONS to our newly elected Executive Board members~
President-Elect: Jeffery Gates (Binghamton University)
Treasurer-Elect: Christopher Milton (Buffalo State College)
Special Mission Rep: Lorraine Glynn (Rockland Community College)
Community College Rep: Noelle Hilliard (Tompkins Cortland Community College)
Technology Center Rep: Danielle Welch (Alfred State)
University College Rep: Maureen Pio (SUNY Purchase)
University Center Rep: Katie Lansford (Binghamton University)-Two year term
University Center Rep: Christopher D'Orso (Stony Brook)-One year term
President-Elect: Jeffery Gates (Binghamton University)
Treasurer-Elect: Christopher Milton (Buffalo State College)
Special Mission Rep: Lorraine Glynn (Rockland Community College)
Community College Rep: Noelle Hilliard (Tompkins Cortland Community College)
Technology Center Rep: Danielle Welch (Alfred State)
University College Rep: Maureen Pio (SUNY Purchase)
University Center Rep: Katie Lansford (Binghamton University)-Two year term
University Center Rep: Christopher D'Orso (Stony Brook)-One year term
Monday, June 18, 2007
The 37th Annual SUNYCAP Conference Attendees
What a great time! Please continue to check back as slides of all of our pictures are being put together. Don't forget to leave your comments. We would love to hear what you have to say.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For people who are headed to the SUNYCAP conference in Lake Placid and want to make requests for the DJ Dance Party on Wednesday night they need to do the following:
Click on Guest Request
Enter group name and password: SUNYCAP
You are now entered into the database to make song suggestions.
This year, we are fortunate to have Neal Johnson, President and CEO of Special Olympics New York, speaking at Wednesday's dinner about the drive to raise funding for Special Olympians from New York to attend the World Games in China this October. We will, during and after dinner, be selling tickets to be placed in bags for prizes you may want to win. A couple examples of prizes our committee has been able to procure are: two night stay at The Mirror Lake Inn in Lake Placid, a one night stay at the Melville Marriott with 2 Mets tickets, a one night stay at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga with a $100 gift certificate for Spa services. These are just a few of the many prizes you can purchase tickets for. One hundred percent of the money earned at this ticket auction will go to Special Olympics New York to support the trip to China. It costs upwards of $5,000 to send an athlete to this event. If we could raise enough for half a trip it would be outstanding! Please bring a little extra to support the cause on Wednesday night.
*Music provided by Coldplay
*Music provided by Coldplay
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Don't Forget..........
Lake Placid, NY
June 13-15
Don't Miss Out!!!!!!
Lake Placid, NY
June 13-15
Don't Miss Out!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
The 37th Annual SUNYCAP Conference
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
A message from Clare.....
Hello and welcome to the new SUNYCAP blog created by Erin Rickman, SUNYCAP University Representative from SUNY Brockport. I wanted to take this time to remind everyone of a few things and update you on some important events:
- Please reserve June 13-15, 2007 to attend the 37th Annual SUNYCAP conference in Lake Placid at The Crowne Plaza. Dynamic speakers, workshops, vendors and the opportunity to network with your SUNY colleagues are promised to be in abundance!
- Please don't forget to renew your SUNYCAP membership for 2007.
- Our Nominations/Elections Committee have sent out the call for nominations. I encourage everyone nominated to get involved by responding to the committees mailing.
- Most importantly, stay connected with our professional development organization.
See the rest of you "road warriors" this spring and we'll meet in Lake Placid in June!
Take Care,
Clare Burth
SUNYCAP President
Thursday, April 5, 2007
~Welcome Message~
Hello fellow SUNYCAP members and welcome to the first ever SUNYCAP Blog!
In an effort to keep everyone well connected, well informed, and well rooted in SUNYCAP, the executive board thought an official Blog may do the trick.
We would like to encourage you to "bookmark" this site and use it anytime. This Blog will contain weekly updates concerning SUNYCAP events. We hope you will find it useful when looking up information about our upcoming conference in Lake Placid (June 12-15). In addition, there are links along the side of the page that will connect you with many different professional development opportunities within SUNYCAP as well as the SUNY system.
We look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to leave a comment. In an effort to keep this Blog available to SUNY Admissions Professionals only, you must register in order to leave a comment. It's quick and easy to do so. Please remember, we would love to hear from you!!
Sincerely~Your SUNYCAP Executive Board
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